Thursday, May 23, 2013

There is No Place Like Home

In the Wizard of Oz, it was a pair of ruby red slippers that took Dorthy home. Being home myself recently, I began wondering about what the other tokens that bring us back are. Are they a picture of your family, of friends? Maybe, it is a small statue of a turtle. Maybe, It is a giant ninja sword that your father gave you when he traveled back from the far east. Yet all these items are simple objects. It is the memories attached to them that matter. There is no place like home, where the people take care of you. There is no place like home, where they only wish the best for you. There is no place like home, where no matter how stupid you think you've been and the shit is really hitting the fan, there is still no place like home. Even the un-wed pregnant daughter, is welcome back to her parents house. There is no place like home, like the feel of the bed you grew up in, before you became tainted by the world. There is no place like home, where they care for you more than any trouble you could cause. There is no place like home, because there is the worthy cause. They say that home is where the heart is, look deep inside past the lies. The home is where your heart is, not where trouble lies. Home is a safe haven, away from all the worries of the world. Home is where the heart is not with those who would have you hurt. Home is where your heart is not buried in the dirt. Home is always welcome, it doesn't beat you in the night. Home is where your heart is, where all your problems disappear. Home is where love is, it does not cause you fear. Home is where you we raised to believe in yourself. Home is where your life is, do not believe anyone else. Home is where you remember playing with your brother, or sister, not necessarily by blood. Home is where your heart is and no one can tell you where it is. NOW! Look inside, look deep in your heart, what do you remember from the last time you were home? Family dinners? Rocking chairs, your favorite teddy bear? Do you remember your favorite kind of meal your mom would make? Do you remember your favorite book in the back of your room? On a shelf there is a memory, it was turned down by those who didn't want you to go back. Take it up and remember, like a turtle from your shell. Turn the picture up, you thought you had lost it many years ago, take it to your eyes and see how happy you were. Free from the drugs, free from the war for your life, and remember...there is no place like home, there is no place like home, you can always come back no matter how bad it gets. Further, they want you back there because they are worried sick. Your know you want that warm apple pie on the fourth of July. Let your freedom ring, and cast out your chains, build barriers around your brain. You want that bed you fell asleep in after your mom kissed you goodnight, don't forget to say your prayers and then she turned off the light. There is no place like home, you thought, I am never gonna leave. Well, you cannot leave your home cause you keep it with you, in your heart of hearts, unless they tear out your heart. The good news is I have a friends, I have family, I have faith, but and you know where home is. You can Always go home because they love you there, they love you! Love is your strength, it ties you together and it binds you forever. Love is your rock to stand on and the wind beneath your wings. Come home, we miss you there.....

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A beginning to another blog

The Good News is here, and there is something to be happy for. I am writing more and more. I hope you all have been enjoying my posts and series of stories. I am trying to write every day and to be posting on this one at least once during that time. Life is a lot like a box of chocolates as my friend forest would say. A beginning of anything is a lot like taking your first steps, sometimes you rise and begin to run but then you begin to fall. Sometimes you have to get back up, others it is time for rest, even if you have to crawl back home. Now I know very few things, but at least one I am sure, the Big Guy has a plan and there is nothing to fear! I'm not one for religion, more of a spiritual man. I follow my own path as you should too. The war is about to change tides, no I am not talking about any sort of earthly dilemma. Yet, there are many wars going on, above and below. Time for a change!!! Another lifetime ago, I was just a small boy crying out for some milk. Yet now there are pesticides on our corn and in our grain and on our animals food. You are what you eat people, and Monsanto is wrong. Dead wrong. Grow organically, mass produce growhouses stacked on each other with solar paneled windows. Anyone who says it cannot be done is a liar. The good news is change is coming, but it begins with you. Grow Local, Buy Local, and help your community out. That is all today, From yours truly, Good News Gabe.